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Victoria, BC, Canada

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Vent Open

It has been a very long time since I have made a note here.  I have no reason or excuse, only that I have not felt like writing.  Now that I have a computer again I suppose it could be easier to make regular entries.  Because I am feeling generally uninspired and tired due to an alien parasite attacking my uterus, I am forcing myself to start writing because it is an easy way to encourage creativity.  This is an unplanned public declaration that I do not feel creative and I really just feel like complaining about the abundance of Lego on my floor and the fact that someone told me they heard I gained weight.  Isn't that a nice thing to say? Yes, it is true I am gaining weight but it is due to the alien parasite.  I am happy to be harbouring a fugitive none the less. I feel like we have something in common.
I am happy to be pregnant.  Peoples' reactions on the other hand have caught me off guard but I am not sure if it is because I am hormonal and extra sensitive or if people are ass holes.  I will decide later.  
People seem to think life is easier with a husband. I have not had that experience and being independent seems to be the safest route for now. Not that I don't want a partner or that I am against it. I actually don't have a choice right now! 
  It is not my idea of fun to have to call someone and tell them if I went three dollars over the grocery budget and that I will be ten minutes late because I had to take a shit.  I am ok single for now.
I am sure that I will eventually find someone who is really amazing and who i want to be with.  I am only referring to the frustration of people judging me for having this baby by myself.  I am doing it differently, not wrong.  You do not need to be the person who informs people of the many difficulties associated with being a single parent.  The single parent knows that. Just like I do not need to be the one to tell you about your life.  You already know about it.
 I have learned from enough from my own past to know what a mistake looks like and although it may not be ideal or easy, this is not a mistake.